
Human Resources
Talent Development
Aoshikang continuously focuses on the personal development of each employee, considering human resources as the primary driving force for the company's sustainable development. Aoshikang is committed to strengthening its human resources infrastructure to support the company's scaling expansion and the production of high-end products with a high-quality talent pool. Talent development is integrated with other human resources modules, linking employees' learning progress to promotions, salary adjustments, job transfers, and evaluations. This strategy motivates employees to acquire and effectively apply new skills.

In line with the company's strategic development direction and talent development plan, talent cultivation is carried out in three main directions:
Skill Enhancement: Establish a talent pipeline development model and create a talent pool.
Platform Establishment: Improve the online learning platform, enhance the knowledge base, optimize learning efficiency, and innovate training models.
Value Enhancement: Elevate talent’s service excellence to business departments and proactively align with business needs.

Promotion and Development
Talent Promotion Mechanism: Capable individuals are promoted, average performers are developed through assessment, and incompetent ones are demoted.
Talent Promotion Mechanism: Capable individuals are promoted, average performers are developed through assessment, and incompetent ones are demoted.

Aoshikang internally divides career development into five tracks according to the nature of the position: management, marketing, technical, professional, and operational. These categories allow for horizontal integration across various channels, enabling talented individuals to achieve ideal development on different tracks, thus realizing a win-win situation for both the individual and the company.
Management Track: Section Chief - Manager - Department Head/Director - Deputy General Manager of the Base - General Manager of the Base.
Marketing Track: Sales Representative - Sales Manager - Senior Sales Manager - Sales Director - Senior Sales Director.
Technical Track: Technician - Assistant Engineer - Level 3 Engineer - Level 2 Engineer - Level 1 Engineer - Chief Engineer - Principal Engineer.
Professional Track: Assistant - Specialist - Senior Specialist - Senior Expert - Expert.
Operational Track: Employee - Technician - Skilled Technician - Senior Technician/Team Leader.
Compensation and Benefits
  • Compensation Policy
    Aoshikang has optimized the compensation management system, which is primarily based on job roles, job grades, ranks, and performance orientation. The system fairly evaluates the value employees demonstrate in their work and pays wages that match their skills and job capabilities. At the same time, Aoshikang has optimized its qualification system and career advancement channels, providing clear directions and paths for employee development. Currently, employee compensation mainly comprises core salary modules like base salary, overtime pay, position allowance, skill allowance, other allowances/subsidies, and performance-based wages. The company also conducts talent inventories for key personnel and implements stock option incentives. Aoshikang provides all employees with social security and housing fund benefits. Salaries for the previous month are paid via bank transfer on the 20th of each month, with early payment in case of holidays.
  • Benefits
    Comprehensive and Multilevel Employee Care and Welfare
    Basic Security: Includes provisions for food and accommodation, social insurance and housing fund, annual physical examination, holiday benefits, etc.;
    Care and Condolence: Birthday celebrations, benefits for women, pregnancy benefits, condolences for marriage or bereavement, retirement benefits, assistance for those in difficulty, etc.
    Learning and Growth: Internal and external training, new craftsman training, mentorship programs, Hundred Talent Program, and various talent development allowances.
    Welfare Allowances: Drinking water allowance, military service allowance, seniority allowance, and for special positions, educational allowances, telephone bill subsidies, etc.
    Team Building Activities: Quarterly departmental team building funds, party member activity funds, regular organization of corporate culture activities.
    Talent Incentives: Core position personnel enjoy special benefits such as home visit transportation subsidies, stock option incentives, etc.